I've recently taken up spinning again. And I LOVE it. I've been spinning three to four times a week, and it's great cardio! My knee has been doing wonderful because there's no impact, so I don't have the horrible aching and pain that I'd have when I would run. The spin instructor on base here in Kingsville is amazing. We've been jamming out to Lady Gaga and having a great time! If you're in Kingsville, you should consider joining us!
Jake bought me my first pair of spinning shoes for V-day. I love them! It makes the workouts that much more enjoyable! Hadn't blogged in a while and just wanted to share.
Bible doctrine. Jake. Purdy. Coffee.
In that order.
BD: Life makes so much sense with bible doctrine. The quest for happiness is only found in tranquility of soul that comes through faith, rest, humility and obedience. It's so neat to watch God's perfect will and plan unfold in our lives. Jerhemiah 29:11-12.
BB: My best friend, my soulmate, my lover, my constant and my Marine. Jake had his first flight in the jet today. I'm so proud of him. He was so fired up and loved every second. Thank you God for giving me this amazing RM.
P: Never thought I could love a little dog so much. She is so adorable and makes me so happy. How did we survive before her! She can make anything better! Love our snuggle time. Jake brought her in this a.m. as he left for his flight at 5:30 and she snuggled right up until 8 a.m.! Such a little bear!
Coffee: Thank God for coffee. Nothing like a fun mug and a nice cup 'o joe. Always does the trick. Thanks, Daddy for passing down a love for coffee. Mmmm.
I went down to Austin on Thursday for Holley's birthday. I was planning on going down Thursday after work but because of the weather, I had to take the day off and head out early. Thank goodness I did because it started snowing and the roads iced over about 8:30 p.m. on Thursday. Right about the time I would've made it to longhorn land. \m/
Holley and I had a really fun seeester day on Thursday (and most of Friday, too). We shopped the malls on Thursday and made our usual Mandola's, Starbucks and Nordstrom e-bar runs. I treated Holley to lots of "prizes" for her birthday (on top of her two presents), and I had so much fun doing it! She'd sneak things in my bag, and I ended up buying two of most things instead of one! Oh well, what are sisters for, right? <3
Friday we made our ritual Trudy's brunch stop - Snowbear in tow. He'd never been. Crazy that he's been in ATX this long and has never experienced Trudy's brunch and migas. We corrected that. I guess we'll let him continue to call himself a longhorn. ;) He opted to skip out on shopping. I have no idea why. Holley and I slid/fishtailed/whatever (on ice) all the way to the Roundrock outlets. A little snow and ice can't keep us from the stores. No way. Makeup, sunglasses, workout gear, running shoes, heels, accessories, manicures, Starbucks ... you name it ... we got it. We can't remember when we've had so much fun. What a fun birthday week - for Holley and ME, TOO! Hee hee.
Friday afternoon our bestie arrived for the big ATX move-in. I rushed over to Mesa Verde to help her unload her car and Kem's into her new 3rd floor apt. I'm definitely counting the four flights of stairs (one-way) as exercise for the day. Friday night KK and I met up with Snowbear, Holley, Scott and the Denton crew (Joe, Kem, Mamo & Papo) for dinner at Carrabba's. Flying Saucer followed for Joe, Scott, KK and I. Fun times.
Saturday morning the moving madness really began. Movers got to the apt at 9:30. They were finished by 10:30ish. We unpacked and started decorating. Then the girls took a break to go shop for the necessary decor KK needed. We flew in and out of stores. I must say we made record time - even though Joe & Papo disagreed. We had dinner at Kona Grill in the Domain on Saturday night. It was delish. Then back to unpacking and decorating until about 2 a.m. Holley came to the rescue on KK's closet at about 10:30 p.m. It's all organized, color- and season-coded. What a girl. Holley and I had to make a 1 a.m. run to the gas station for water and "snacks" consisting of twizzlers, chocolate and gummies. We have a little of our mama in us - we admit. ;)
Sunday - coffee with the girls at KK's newly decorated apartment. Then I struck out for more decor shopping with KK. (OK, OK - we threw in a few extra "fun" shop stops, too.) We can't help ourselves. Met up with the Snowbear and H for froyo at the Triangle. Back home to Kingsville after that. It was the best weekend ever. I loved every second. I was so excited to see Jake and Purdy, though. I missed those two like crazy.
Here's a quick look at the almost-finished living room ...
I couldn't imagine going through life without my sister. My sister makes any day better - even when you think that's not possible. Sisters are the kind of best friends that know your every thought and can relate to exactly how you feel - whether you're happy or sad. Or at least that's how it is for me and my little sister. She's my best friend, encourager, tell-it-like-it-is pal, motivator, listening ear, bawl baby, partner-in-crime, know-it-all, advice-giver, fun-making, clothes-stealing, accessory-sharing, sunglasses-loving, always there girl. Like it or not, a sister is a forever best friend. Thank God for that!
I'm so thankful for Holley. When no one else understands me - she does. We can get mad at each other, yell our heads off, hang up on each other, storm out of the room, want to knock each others heads off ...but, hey, that's normal. If you have a sister, you know exactly what I mean. I love that even though we are far apart right now we can pick up the phone and call each other - only to find out we're hungry for the same thing or thinking about something totally similar.
Growing up, Holley and I would watch White Christmas over and over and over. Our favorite thing to do was to reenact the "Sisters, Sisters" song and dance. To this day, these lyrics are sooooo the Nees sisters.
Sisters, Sisters There were never such devoted sisters
Never had to have a chaperone "No, sir" I'm there to keep my eye on her
Caring, Sharing Every little thing that we are wearing
When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome She wore the dress and I stayed home
All kinds of weather We stick together The same in the rain or sun Two diff'rent faces
But in tight places
We think and we act as one
Those who've, seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us
Many men have tried to split us up but no one can Lord help the mister
Who comes between me and my sister
And Lord help the sister
Who comes between me and my man
Never seen the movie - check out our favorite scene below. LOVE.
If I had to pick something I love most about having a sister, I think I'd have to say it's this. You can appear in control, grown up and in charge to the rest of the world. But with seeesters, anything goes and you can act/be any age you want. We've been through every moment in life together - good and bad, happy and sad. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I love you, Holley Michele Nees. Happy 22 birthday, seeeeeester. See you in Austin. XO.
college days - UT Austin 2006.
"You can kid the world. But not your sister." -Charlotte Gray
I keep meaning to get on here and write ... somehow the days just fly by. I mentioned last post that there would be more news soon about our "new addition." She arrived December 11, 2009, and she's perfect. Meet Purdy Frederick - the newest member of the Frederick family.
We love her so much, and she's such a great puppy! I admit - we think she's a little human-dog. She's so cuddly and soft. BUT - don't let the stuffed animal-look fool you, she's a spunky little girl with a mind of her own. She's got fire and energy, but she loves to snuggle, too. What a pup!
More details on P to come later. Enjoy these pix. I'll post more tomorrow.
Time keeps marching ... or flying ... on. Yep, you guessed it. We've moved - again! And I'm happy to announce we're in San Diego, California. Jake is stationed at MCAS Miramar, and he has officially begun FRS learning to fly the F/A-18 Hornet. WAY TO GO, JAKE! While we do miss our family and our dear Texas homeland, we're beyond excited for this new adventure. We're thrilled to be in San Diego! Our next stop is Beaufort, South Carolina where we'll be for about 3 years! We can't wait to get to SC and start our life there, too. But for now, we're more than enjoying the beautiful, sunny California lifestyle. What can we say, we're blessed! As always, we are excited for this part of our journey and can't thank everyone enough for all the love and support you've shown over the past several months. We wouldn't be where we are today without God's abundant grace first and foremost and the support and prayers from our friends and family. Love to all.